From September 2005 to June 2006 a team of thirteen scholars at the The University of Southern California's Annenberg Center for Communication explored how new and maturing networking technologies are transforming the way in which we interact with content, media sources, other individuals and groups, and the world that surrounds us.

This site documents the process and the results.

about web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a paradigm for the World Wide Web in which the Web ceases to be merely a large number of pages to surf, and instead becomes a platform of its own that replaces desktop-based computing applications. Proponents of Web 2.0, such as Tim O'Reilly, believe that processing and aggregation of data from other sources are increasingly important in the Web.

If the first generation of the Web was still largely dominated by large media outlets—be they Yahoo! or—Web 2.0 is a vision of the Web in which media is spread into a myriad of microcontent units. In this model, aggregators that can help users assemble these units from little building blocks into more sophisticated wholes become more and more important.

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